Potable Water Storage Tanks

Aquatabs are ideal for purifying raw water and/or maintaining residual chlorine levels in potable water storage tanks and systems. From 20L jerry cans to rainwater harvesting systems for camps and cottages to RV and Boat potable water tanks, Aquatabs are safe, compact, easy to use and easy to store.
Each tablet when dissolved in water creates a measured dose of free chlorine. Food grade chlorine is a crucial component of any water treatment and storage system. Use Aquatabs to treat unsafe drinking water from raw water sources such as lakes, rivers, rain harvesting systems or campgrounds and marinas under boil water advisories. Then use Aquatabs to maintain residual chlorine levels in potable water tanks and distribution systems to ensure the water remains safe throughout the system and keep it from being recontaminated.
Maintaining residual chlorine levels in potable water tanks also prevents algae and biofilm from developing, preventing costly tank replacements
Aquatabs come in different sizes and each one produces different amounts of free chlorine. When treating raw water to make it safe for use, the basic instructions of use for each size of tablet will produce 5mg/L (ppm) of Free Chlorine. For instance, the 49mg Aquatabs for 1 L will produce 5mg/L of free chlorine. The calculation looks like this: 5mg of free chlorine / 1 L of water = 5mg/L.
While the 334mg tablet for 20L is a larger tablet with more active ingredient, it will also produce 5mg/L used as directed in 20 L of water. Each tablet produces 100mg of free chlorine. The calculation looks like this: 100mg of free chlorien / 20L of water = 5mg/L.
In some situations where the water is cold or stained, the instructions of use recommend doubling the number of tablets, creating a dosage of 10mg/L of free chlorine, the maximum recommended dosage when purifying raw water.
If the goal is to maintain the safety of potable water during storage and distribution, free chlorine levels should be maintained between 1-2 mg/L. Chlorine will gas off/evaporate from water over time, sometimes in a matter of days. Once any chlorine that came with the water (from a chlorinated source at a marina or RV park) is gone, the water is subject to recontamination. In a closed system, the risk of recontamination might be low but once the chlorine is gone, the risk of biofilm or algae forming in the water tank is high. In these cases, free chorine test strips or a digital pocket meter is ideal for monitoring levels of free chlorine. If a means of testing is not available, a good rule of thumb is that once you can no longer smell chlorine in the water, it's likely gone and more chlorine should be added to the tank to boost and maintain chlorine levels. How much chlorine or how many Aquatabs to adds depends on a) the size of the tank and b) how much if any, chlorine is already in the water. If we assume there is no chlorine left in an 80 L tank, and the target is 1-2mg/L then it would be best to add 1 x 334mg tablets. Each 334mg tablet will produce 100mg of free chlorine. 100mg/L in an 80 L tank would create a residual of 1.25mg/L. The calculation looks like this: 100mg/L / 80 L = 1.25mg/L.
Using Aquatabs to maintain residual levels of free chlorine in potable water tanks
- Each 49mg tablet will produce 5 mg of free chlorine
- Each 334mg tablet will produce 100mg of free chlorine
- Each 8,680mg (8.68g) tablet will produce 1,000mg of free chlorine
Aquatabs are fast dissolving tablets that are an excellent alternative to liquid chlorine and/or powders which can be hard to store, complicated to measure and hazardous to handle.
RV/Marine Use
When topping up the tanks in your RV or boat from a trusted and chlorinated water source, use Aquatabs to boost residual chlorine levels as needed during travel. Warm temperatures and sloshing during travel will quickly dissipate chlorine levels.
Rain Water Harvesting Systems
Rainwater is generally free of bacteria and viruses while falling but can become contaminated as it runs over roofs and through collection systems that may contaminants such as bird or mouse dropping, dead insects and small animals, etc. Use Aquatabs to treat and purify the raw water (5-10mg/L dosage) and then again to boost chlorine levels over the coming days and weeks when the water is in storage (1-2mg/L).
Long Term Water Storage for Emergency Preparedness
If storing chlorinated municipal water in 20 L jerry cans for emergency use, use Aquatabs to maintain chlorination levels during storage and/or to retreat the water as raw water when using for the first time after long term storage.