Outdoor Sport & Adventure
Access to safe drinking water is important to maintaining your health when exploring the outdoors or traveling abroad. Even the most pristine water sources can make you sick and spoil your trip. There is a growing body of scientific work indicating that waterborne viruses are present in many of our lakes, rivers, and streams.
With all the different methods of water purification available, it can hard to choose the right method for you. Most microfilters sold in the camping and outdoor sports market are neither designed nor capable of removing viruses. With a rating of 0.1-0.2 microns, these filters do an excellent job at removing sediment, particulate, bacteria, and protozoan cysts but viruses are less than 0.1 micron in size and simply too small to be captured. For maximum protection against all microbiological contaminants, a post-filtration treatment with water purification tablets is recommended. Considering that water purification tablets are inexpensive, do not have an unpalatable taste or odour, and are easy to carry, it is a relatively simple way to eliminate viruses in drinking water taken from recreational waterways and questionable contaminated sources.
Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets are lightweight, compact, and conveniently packaged with a shelf life of 5 years. Effective against giardia, bacteria, and viruses, Aquatabs produce safe drinking water within 30 minutes of treatment. Aquatabs are safe for the whole family (including pregnant women) and can be used over the long term with no adverse effects.