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$486.55 — Sold Out
This package includes one (1) Guardian Purifier Pump.
A true game changer that makes almost any questionable water source safe to drink. This purifier means you don't need to carry chemical water treatment, or a UV purifier when you are in virus territory. It removes viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. And it back-flushes itself during normal operation, so it's a lightweight and convenient package for travel and expeditions.
Nothing is safer or easier to use for purifying the most demanding backcountry water sources than the Guardian Purifier. Originally designed for military squads, it brings this highly advanced technology to global travellers, backcountry users, and those stocking emergency kits.
Fast and easy to use, this pump purifier offers the added viral protection you need when traveling in developing nations and popular wilderness areas. Its advanced hollow fiber filter offers the most reliable way to purify even filthy water conditions.